Cellular Shades
Cellular Shades

Save Money

With Window Treatments, you have full control over how much sunlight you let in, keeping your home or office space cooler during the summer.

During the winter, window treatments trap air between the material and window, reducing heat loss by up to 40%.

Beauty, Energy-Efficiency and Incredible Savings

The federal government is offering energy tax credits on select energy-efficient Hunter Douglas Duette® Honeycomb Shades. This allows you to earn 30% of the purchase price* back in the form of a tax credit, up to a maximum annual amount of $1,200.

* Applicable “purchase price” is the amount paid by the consumer for the product(s), including sales tax, and does not cover the costs for measuring or installing qualifying products.

Honeycomb Shades

How to Claim the Tax Credit 

Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Purchase qualifying products from Hunter Douglas eligible for a federal tax credit. 

  2. Save your original purchase invoice and/or proof of payment for the qualifying Hunter Douglas products. The purchase price is the amount the consumer pays for the product(s), including sales tax, and does not cover the costs for measuring or installing qualifying products.

  3. Once you’ve made your purchase and saved your invoice, download the Hunter Douglas Manufacturer’s Certificate Statement and print it out along with a copy of the Qualifying Product Document

  4. Take these documents, your sales invoice, and/or proof of payment to your tax professional when filing your tax return.